Joey has a pet
Joey has a pet. It is a tortoise. It has a hard shell. It lives in an aquarium. It likes to eat leafy vegetables. It moves very slowly.
pet -宠物
tortoise - 乌龟
hard shell - 坚硬的壳
aquarium - 水缸
leafy - 肥叶
vegetables - 蔬菜
slowly - 慢
Joey has a pet
Joey has a pet. It is a tortoise. It has a hard shell. It lives in an aquarium. It likes to eat leafy vegetables. It moves very slowly.
pet -宠物
tortoise - 乌龟
hard shell - 坚硬的壳
aquarium - 水缸
leafy - 肥叶
vegetables - 蔬菜
slowly - 慢